
How to Perform the Positioning Operation of the Lining Trolley?

Mar. 29 ,2024 Share:

Performing the positioning operation of a lining trolley involves careful planning, coordination, and adherence to safety protocols to ensure accuracy and efficiency in the lining process. Below are step-by-step guidelines on how to perform the positioning operation of the lining trolley effectively:


1. Pre-Operation Inspection:


Before initiating the positioning operation, conduct a thorough inspection of the lining trolley and surrounding area to ensure that all components are in good working condition.

Check for any signs of damage, wear, or malfunction that may affect the trolley's operation or safety.

2. Safety Precautions:


Ensure that all personnel involved in the operation are trained in proper safety procedures and equipped with appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE), including helmets, gloves, and safety harnesses.

Establish clear communication protocols and designated safety zones to prevent accidents and injuries during the operation.

3. Positioning Plan:


Develop a positioning plan based on the specific requirements of the lining project, including the desired location, orientation, and alignment of the trolley.

Consider factors such as access points, overhead obstacles, ground conditions, and clearance requirements when determining the optimal positioning for the trolley.

Tunnel Lining Formwork

Tunnel Lining Formwork

4. Equipment Setup:


Prepare the necessary equipment, including lifting devices, ropes, cables, and rigging hardware, required to position the lining trolley accurately.

Ensure that all equipment is properly inspected, maintained, and rated for the intended load capacity and operating conditions.

5. Lifting and Rigging:


Use appropriate lifting and rigging techniques to hoist and maneuver the lining trolley into position safely.

Attach lifting slings or cables securely to designated lifting points on the trolley, distributing the load evenly to prevent tipping or instability.

Coordinate with crane operators or other lifting equipment operators to execute the lifting operation smoothly and precisely.

6. Alignment and Adjustment:


Once the trolley is hoisted into position, carefully align it with the designated installation area using manual or mechanical adjustment mechanisms.

Use leveling devices, laser alignment tools, or visual cues to ensure that the trolley is positioned accurately and securely on the track or rails.

7. Securing and Locking:


After achieving the desired positioning, secure the trolley in place by engaging locking mechanisms, brake systems, or safety pins to prevent unintended movement or displacement.

Double-check all connections, fasteners, and locking devices to ensure that they are properly engaged and functioning as intended.

8. Final Inspection and Testing:


Conduct a final inspection of the positioning operation to verify that the lining trolley is correctly positioned, aligned, and secured according to the project specifications.

Perform functional tests and load tests, if applicable, to validate the stability, functionality, and safety of the trolley in its designated position.

9. Post-Operation Cleanup:


Remove any debris, tools, or equipment from the work area and ensure that the surrounding area is clear of obstacles and hazards.

Document the positioning operation, including any deviations, observations, or issues encountered during the process, for future reference and analysis.

By following these steps and adhering to established safety procedures, you can perform the positioning operation of the lining trolley safely, accurately, and efficiently, ensuring the success of the lining project.

Zolo in-situ tunnel lining formwork is a very efficient and cost effective construction method for drill and blast tunnel. Zolo automatic hydraulic tunnel formwork is the equipment to make the concrete lining for the tunnel in one time, with the advantages of good concreting quality, high-speed of installation and removal of the form, easy operation and safety.


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